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misha | 29 Decembar, 2023 12:00

Зашто ову историјску заставу доживљавам својим личним и породичним обележјем?

Наше презиме је Радовић. Радовићи су српска фамилија пореклом са севера Црне Горе која се крајем XVIII века доселила у матицу Србију.
На слици је зато симболично приказана стара застава Краљевине Црне Горе која у основи има српску тробојку. На њој се такође налази грб српске династије Петровић- чије презиме је носила моја мајка. На штиту тог грба се налази златни лав. Мој први син носи име ЛАВ (такође, Лав је било име од оца Светог Ћирила Словенског; Св. Ћирик је крсна слава и заштитник породице Радовић). Пуно име династије која је владала Црном Гором је Петровић-Његош. Име мог другог сина је ЊЕГОШ. Порекло тог имена потиче од племена Његуши, а давало се "онима који су припадали", односно "онима који су потекли из истог племена". Тиме је заокружена симболика ове моје личне хералдике.


Great reading too 79 .

Anya79sl | 11/11/2024, 12:39

Hello guys!
I came across a 79 interesting tool that I think you should explore.
This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find interesting.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 79 .

Anya79sl | 11/11/2024, 12:41

Hello guys!
I came across a 79 interesting tool that I think you should explore.
This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find interesting.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 79 .

Anya79sl | 11/11/2024, 12:44

Hello guys!
I came across a 79 interesting tool that I think you should explore.
This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find interesting.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 79 .

Anya79sl | 11/11/2024, 12:47

Hello guys!
I came across a 79 interesting tool that I think you should explore.
This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find interesting.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 79 .

Anya79sl | 11/11/2024, 12:49

Hello guys!
I came across a 79 interesting tool that I think you should explore.
This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find interesting.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

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DavidWhamn | 16/11/2024, 14:16

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Great reading too 80 .

Anya80sl | 17/11/2024, 02:42

Hello friends!
I came across a 80 great resource that I think you should check out.
This resource is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 82 faster

Anya82sl | 27/11/2024, 14:04

Hello folks!
I came across a 82 interesting platform that I think you should browse.
This platform is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find interesting.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 82 let's

Anya82sl | 01/12/2024, 11:00

Hello .!
I came across a 82 fantastic site that I think you should check out.
This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 82 let's

Anya82sl | 01/12/2024, 11:03

Hello .!
I came across a 82 fantastic site that I think you should check out.
This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 82 let's

Anya82sl | 01/12/2024, 11:05

Hello .!
I came across a 82 fantastic site that I think you should check out.
This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 82 let's

Anya82sl | 01/12/2024, 11:08

Hello .!
I came across a 82 fantastic site that I think you should check out.
This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 82 let's

Anya82sl | 01/12/2024, 11:10

Hello .!
I came across a 82 fantastic site that I think you should check out.
This tool is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find helpful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 82 !

Anya82sl | 02/12/2024, 07:23

Hello friends!
I came across a 82 great website that I think you should browse.
This site is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 82 !

Anya82sl | 02/12/2024, 07:27

Hello friends!
I came across a 82 great website that I think you should browse.
This site is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 82 !

Anya82sl | 02/12/2024, 07:30

Hello friends!
I came across a 82 great website that I think you should browse.
This site is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 82 !

Anya82sl | 02/12/2024, 07:33

Hello friends!
I came across a 82 great website that I think you should browse.
This site is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

Great reading too 82 !

Anya82sl | 02/12/2024, 07:36

Hello friends!
I came across a 82 great website that I think you should browse.
This site is packed with a lot of useful information that you might find insightful.
It has everything you could possibly need, so be sure to give it a visit!

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